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Run for Student Body President
The filing period has ended. No further applications will be accepted. If you are interested, consider running next year!
Thank you for considering running for Student Body President! This page contains all the information, steps, and dates you will need during the election process.
This is the information portion of the Candidate Packet. You will need to go to either the Student Involvement Office (229A Havener Center) or Student Council Office (232 Havener Center) to pick up a physical copy of the packet, along with the Petition for Candidacy and Contact Information Form.
Make sure to submit the Contact Information Form when picking up your packet!
Here is a condensed version of the election timeline. All dates are also reflected in the packet, both in the text areas and on the election calendar graphic. All events listed here are required for candidates. Failure to meet these dates could result in penalties.
Student Council Meetings are not included in this list, but are recommended. See a list of dates and locations in the Candidate Packet.
It is your responsibility as a candidate to comply with these dates. Reminders will not be sent.
Packets ReleasedBeginning of the Filing Period. Candidates can begin submitting forms and can officially declare and announce their candidacy.
Student Involvement Office, Student Council Office
Signature Collection BeginsBeginning of Petitioning Period. Candidates can begin collecting signatures from students. Candidates should not be publicly campaigning at this point, just offering information as needed to gain signatures.
Packets No Longer AvailableYou will not be able to pick up a packet after this point. This is the last opportunity to begin the filing process.
4:00 PMStudent Involvement Office, Student Council Office
Deadline for Election Procedures Committee Chair and Current Student Body President MeetingsThe meetings with the EPC Chair and current President must be completed before this time unless a specific exemption is granted. Candidates are responsible for scheduling the meeting.
8:00 PM
Candidate Biography Form and Petition for Candidacy DueEnd of the Filing and Petitioning Periods. All information, including the biography, signatures, and candidate affidavit will need to be submitted by this time.
Open Campaigning BeginsBeginning of the Open Campaigning Period. Remember to follow all campaign rules and ethics guidelines. Candidates might also be contacted by the Election Procedures Committee Chair or other organizations to schedule public appearances past this date.
Election Procedures Committee Candidate MeetingPre-Debate meeting to discuss final rules points and the outline for the debate. EPC members will be invited to attend if they wish.
4:00 PMStudent Council Office
Presidential DebateAll candidates are strictly required to attend.
5:00 PMInnovation Lab Forum
Election Begins
8:00 AM
Election EndsAll campaigning must cease. Candidates should begin removing any posters or campaign materials they see to reduce nuisance to students.
8:00 PM
Finance Forms DueAll donations and expenses must be accurately listed. Penalties may still be enforced for violations, up to and including nullification of candidacy.
4:00 PM
Results AnnouncedResults will be publicly announced at the Student Council meeting. Candidates will be privately notified of the final result immediately after the certification by the Election Procedures Committee.